Therapeutic education is managed by education specialists who are specifically trained in delivering therapeutic education for children and young people. It is designed to enable young people patient (and their families and/or carers) to manage the treatment of their condition and prevent avoidable complications, while maintaining or improving quality of life.
Therapeutic education requires a move from ‘a punitive, blame-based, unfairly competitive and deviant-defined culture’ to ‘one that celebrates diversity and cultural differences’. This means moving from a deficit model of SEN and deviant model of challenging behaviour to ‘a more humane and therapeutic approach to education and learning generally’. Therapeutic education seeks to be holistic and encourages responsibility and accountability. How we relate to learners is viewed as more important than what is taught.
High-quality therapeutic learning
At each of our Educ8 educational schools, we aim to provide not only high-quality therapeutic learning, but also an effective and inspiring education which allows each child’s individual needs to be met, helping each young person to develop an enjoyment of learning and achieve their potential.
Most of the children and young people who study with Educ8 have experienced severe disruption in their personal lives and educational progress. Some have never been able to manage formal schooling, and most will have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Our bespoke therapeutic approach enables each person to achieve and experience success, often for the first time, so building confidence and self-esteem and experience positive and exceptional outcomes.
Addressing emotional and cognitive development
Our therapeutic education considers and addresses emotional and cognitive development together, and in stages tailor-made to the needs of the whole child. Children and young people need an integrated, seamless, containing experience across all aspects of their lives, and our integrated systemic approach delivers this. At each of our schools we always think about the particular emotional and cognitive needs of each child and young person enabling them to develop and ultimately shine.
The children’s education is guided by the National Curriculum and all the children are taught at the key stages appropriate to both their level of attainment and their emotional development. Every child is also provided with a full and regularly updated educational assessment where we follow a therapeutic approach to the National Curriculum in all of our Educ8 schools.
Supporting individual development
Educ8 schools sees the child’s learning as an essential part of their individual development and an inseparable part of the holistic, therapeutic living experience, whether this is within the care of other specialist providers or the care of their families/carers.
To this end we provide an education programme that is integrated with the child’s placement plan and an individual therapeutic learning plan. An important part of this is to provide or support an education that is appropriate to the child’s developmental stage. Careful attention is paid to create an educational experience that acknowledges emotional development whilst ensuring that intellectual growth is also encouraged.
Our schools work in partnership with a range of other educational providers and third-party organisations to ensure that each child and young person has their educational needs met in the optimum possible way with specialist educational clinical psychologists and support staff supporting specific learning difficulties and needs.
Get in touch
To find out more about Educ8 please contact us on 0161 483 1505 or email
