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Our Therapeutic Schools

Helping Students Grow and Shine

Our specialist schools empower young people to fulfil their potential where we believe in a holistic approach when educating and supporting young people. Being a part of Educ8 means we are part of a quality, therapeutically-led organisation where there is close co-operation between clinical, care and education professionals.

Our schools support young people to achieve their aspirations, no matter what their challenges may be where we believe that every young person deserves the right education and support education that equips them for a brighter future.

Austen House School

Carla House School

Endeavour House School

Grace House School

Hope House School

Jefferson House School

Lawrence House School

Lincoln House School

Nightingale House School

The Retreat School

Rosa House School

Springfield House School

Teresa House School

Key to school types

HSB - Harmful Sexual Behaviour

CSE - Child Sexual Exploitation

EBD - Eomtional and Behavoural Difficulties

GRIP - Gang and Radicalisation Intervention Program

LD - Learning Difficulties

SEMH - Social, Emotional, Mental Health and highly functioning autistic children

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